During these troubling times we should find ways to pause and become more centered and grounded. I find, when we take the time each day to meditate, no matter how many minutes, we may find an inner peace and a greater understanding of just how far we have evolved.
I welcome your questions and comments with an open heart and open mind. Please include your email address in your message at this link. We are each called to awaken the desire to live life more fully, rather than remaining stuck in the grief of our past.
Sometimes this is not so easy to do, however, if we remain more in our hearts, rather than our minds, we will remember why we are still here. "To be of the light in a sometimes very dark world". I welcome your questions and comments with an open heart and open mind. Please include your email address in your message at this link. As I look back on the last four years after losing my son, it still feels unreal. Could it be because I have his computer with all his writings and videos he made? I know of others that keep the memories and the momentous of their items. Is this a good practice, or do we hold on to our pain? I ask myself this question many times, however, I do believe it’s an individual process we must decide if it helps or keeps us stuck.
At the present time, it appears our world is speeding along at such an unprecedented pace. The vibrations we encounter individually are different for everyone. What I try to do is stay centered on my own positive energy by meditating, and listening to positive feedback. For many of us, we cannot avoid some negativity, however, how we handle it is up to us. Recognize those that may send negative vibes, however, let it remain out there, instead of allowing it to come into your vibration, breath, deep, and let it out slowly. This may be of help should you encounter the vibration of another. I welcome your questions and comments with an open heart and open mind. Please include your email address in your message at this link. |
AuthorMy goal is to inspire others to reach their highest potential by creating hope in the face of adversity. Archives
December 2024